Arcadians Temptation by KC
Bred by Rhonda Foles
Owned by Linda Robbins
K9-Ped 4 Generation Pedigree with picture  
Pedigree of: Arcadian's Temptation By Kc
Sex F Reg No.
Date of Birth 7/21/2004 Breed Boston Terrier
Owner . Breeder .
Colour & Markings . Call Name Tate
Comments .
Am Ch Kc's Armed and Dangerous Am Ch KC'S GENTEEL'S AYE AYE CAPTAIN Ch Genteel's Opie Rfd  Ch Kap's Hot Flash Q.t. of San-d 
Ch Genteel's Hello Dolly 
Ch Genteel's Megan the Beat Goes On  Ch Genteel's Yo Yo Man 
Genteel Megan Bar None 
Ch Kc's Pistol Packing Momma BISS Ch San-d's Pistol Pete By Joevee  Ch Gabriel's Lil Bon Joevee ROM 
Ch San-d's Fourstar Maiden
Ch Kc's Bloomin Razzle Dazzle  BISS Ch San-d's Pistol Pete By Joevee
Kc's Genteel's Awesome Blosm
Arcadian San-d Sweet Temptation  Ch San-d's Mighty Macho Man  Ch San-d's Kc Masterpiece  Ch Kc & Genteel's Aye Aye Captain
Ch Kc's Sweet Success By San-d 
Ch San-d's Mighty Gidget By Qt Ch Kap's Hot Flash Q.t. of San-d
Genteel Dyna Mite Bar None ROM
Rb's Little Debbie  Ch Rb's First Challenge By Sunny  Ch Beacon's Do-go Sunny of Sabe
Skow's Hali Jo 
Startime'n Maskarade's Bewitch  Ch Startimes the Galaxy Blaster 
Startime'n Lowes the Bronwyn 

Tate has now been adopted to a wonderful family locally and we can visit anytime!!!!